Poetry Samples

The samples below are in the book, "Time Without End".

Above The Clouds

above the clouds,
the sun shines

Though to me,
it may be dark and drear,
God sees things
in a different way.

On earth,
from my perspective,
things may be dark
and drear indeed;

But, above
the clouds,
God sees things

Constance V. Walden

Read Ecclesiastes 3:11
and Isaiah 46:10


At Last! At Last!

At last! At last!
My suffering is past.

God wiped my tears away,
and brought me home to stay;

And, right before my eyes
my faith is realized.

My heart is racing fast
for I see Christ’s face, at last!

Constance V. Walden

Read Revelations 7:9-17


Christ Had To Die

Christ had to die
upon that cross,
or else, we’d all be lost.

Christ had to die.
He had no choice.
His blood, our ransom cost.

Christ had to die.
He had to die,
to die so we could live;

And, when He died,
He showed the world
the love God had to give.

Constance V. Walden

Read John 3:16
and 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4

Creator Of Everything

You made the farthest
of the distant stars;

And, Jesus, You made Heaven
where You are.

Birds in the air
and the fish in the sea;

Men on the earth
and the angels with Thee.

From You comes forth
our very breath and life;

We bow in reverence
to You, Jesus Christ.

All Your creation
rises up and sings

To You,
the Creator of everything!

Constance V. Walden


Despite It All

Despite it all,
despite it all,
despite the winds
and rains that fall;

Despite the pounding
of the seas,
Lord, help me hold
on tight to Thee;

And, when the pains
and sorrows come,
please help me through them,
every one.

Despite the trials
that buffet me,
Lord, help me keep
my faith in Thee.

Constance V. Walden

Read Psalms 46:1-3


It's About Jesus

It’s not about me.
It’s not about

It’s about Christ,
His sacrifice,
His grace, and His truth.

It’s about Jesus,
the Light and
the Way,

The Lord and the Christ,
The Lamb sacrificed,
and the Son that God gave.

Constance V. Walden

Read John 1:29